Importance of extended separation in NIR technology for secure secondary image identification, a survey

  • Ana Agić Faculty of Graphic Arts, Zagreb
  • Denis Jurečić
  • Darko Agić
  • Klaudio Pap


For separation purposes image information is usually defined as RGB record, what will be converted in CMY, CMYK or some other suitable image processing procedure, for reproduction purposes. Applying specific and dedicated NIR separation we developed, secondary achieved image is hidden and secured. NIR image is based on absorption diversities of used basic inks as well other inks that should be separated. On that way we achieved optimal instrumental determining of secondary image. Basic postulate for effective CMYKIR separation and double image are twin dyes, theirs imposing and reflection differentiation of inks, that has to be carried out in in extended area. If differentiation is not managed properly, secondary image is not secured, and could appear incorrectly. Present photographic and printing options facilitate responsible and stable adjusting for steady double image recognition. We presented relevant NIR separation and twins principles at prepress/press stages for extended experience, and some considerable implementation of technological and scientific aspects.

Jan 15, 2019
How to Cite
AGIĆ, Ana et al. Importance of extended separation in NIR technology for secure secondary image identification, a survey. Acta Graphica, [S.l.], v. 29, n. 2, p. 19 - 26, jan. 2019. ISSN 1848-3828. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi:
Original Scientific Papers