Emotional Response, Brand Recall and Response Latency to Visual Register for Food and Beverage Print Ads

  • Irma Puškarević
  • Uroš Nedeljković
  • Dragoljub Novaković


Understanding the nature of advertising principles or any other means of marketing
communication that affects consume behavior has long been the subject of
marketing research. The research of emotional response in relation to ad efficiency
in this paper is an extension of the research previously conducted (Nedeljkovic et
al., 2011). The aim of this research is to show how the ad content i.e. visual message
in printed advertisements affects emotional response. Two hypotheses were
postulated. First, we expected more positive response for ads with predominating
iconic content. The second hypothesis sought to determine if greater response
latency can be expected for ads with dominant tropological content. The method
of research was SAM visual method of self-assessment. Emotional response and
response latency of the participants were measured for advertisements for food
and beverage products and services in order to determine how visual ad content
influences emotional response of the participants, as well as the effectiveness of
the advertising campaign. In an experiment the participants could rate their emotional
response using the Self-assessment Manikin (SAM) scale toward both types
of advertisements. At the same time the response latency was measured. The results
show that the main hypothesis was neither confirmed nor rejected, whereas the
second hypothesis was confirmed. We conclude that the attitude towards the ad, as
mediating variable, is a good indicator of advertising effectiveness.

Dec 21, 2016
How to Cite
PUŠKAREVIĆ, Irma; NEDELJKOVIĆ, Uroš; NOVAKOVIĆ, Dragoljub. Emotional Response, Brand Recall and Response Latency to Visual Register for Food and Beverage Print Ads. Acta Graphica, [S.l.], v. 24, n. 3-4, p. 55-66, dec. 2016. ISSN 1848-3828. Available at: <https://actagraphica.hr/index.php/actagraphica/article/view/47>. Date accessed: 14 feb. 2025.
Original Scientific Papers