Analysis of color profile quality of digital projector

  • Iva Molek
  • Dejana Javoršek


, Snežniška ul. 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail:
Abstract: The aim of the present study was to analyze the display of colors in digital projection. For this purpose the digital projector NEC NP210 was used. The measurements were performed in accordance with the instruc-tions and recommendations of ISO standards. Our goal was to research the creation of color profile of the pro-jector using a EyeOne Pro spectrophotometer and to establish whether the size of color gamut of standardized sRGB color space can be reached by characterization of the digital projector modules. By using the color chart Color Checker Classic, the photometric and colorimetric accuracy of the characterized and uncharacterized projection were evaluated. In the final part of the research, comparison between the colorimetric accuracy of the computer screen and the digital projector was performed.
The results showed that by module characterization of the NEC NP210 Movie projector in studio conditions, the same size of the color space could not be achieved as by using the default sRGB module. Evaluation of col-orimetric accuracy by using the digitalized color chart Color Checker Classic provides usable results, especially when the display of chromatic colors with emphasis on skin tones, and achromatic colors with emphasis on grey balance or chromaticity respectively, were examined. Based on the obtained results of the computer screen and digital projector comparison, it could be concluded that both compared computer screens match the stan-dards. Overall, the NEC NP210 projector with the sRGB default module without profile could be also used if necessary. Thus, we can sum up that digital projection displaying standardized sRGB color space could not be comparable to a high quality CRT or LCD computer screen.

Jan 24, 2017
How to Cite
MOLEK, Iva; JAVORŠEK, Dejana. Analysis of color profile quality of digital projector. Acta Graphica, [S.l.], v. 27, n. 1, p. 23-32, jan. 2017. ISSN 1848-3828. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.
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